Monday, January 28, 2008


sorry we haven't posted in a while, I'm TRYING not to leave this blog abandoned.

and Lexy post more! I stopped saying that, but I'm starting again! every single post I do will say those words "Lexy post more" and I'll E-mail you the pass if you



Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm posting about posting! lol


Thursday, January 17, 2008


Omg........Truffles just hates me........she really does!

my Friend from California sent me this really pretty aqua rug she's been working on.....can't believe she didn't keep it lol

so I was just admiring the rug on my bed when I had to eat dinner..........again I forgot to feed Truffles and she trotted up to my room, saw the pretty Aqua rug so unstained and with it's beauty and......she peed on it!!! then jumped up on my laptop and......lets say she "did her business" right on my mouse!!

then trotted downstairs and barked at me and urged me to go to my room to see her little "presents" she left!!

then my jaw dropped...but I didn't say anything, I picked her up, took her outside. and dropped her in the snow. my mom was like "?"

then I said "mom, she peed on my rug"

then we had to wash it. the end lol


Thursday, January 10, 2008


YUM! color makes me hungry lol


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The stain probaly won't ever come out...and they were my favorite jeans, I shall bring pay back to Lexy mwahha!


In the zoo

Cafeteria at me and Lexy's school is like the zoo!....even the food tastes like it...yuck...

today me and Lexy were eating and Lexy said "oooo a chocolate chip cookie...may I have?" with her little evil grin.. and I said "NO!! MY COOKIE!!" so then she STEPPED ON MY TOE!
then I was forced to yell "YOU LIL RETARD!!" (I don't usually say that) and everybody stared at me...then I heard some kind of sound and turned real quick and my chocolate pudding, my mustard STAINING hot dog....and most importantly..MY COOKIE fell on me!! people were calling me...ahem....Aly the poo pants ALL DAY! it was just pudding that happened to land there! why me? why always me?!?

stupid Lexy and her cookie needs....


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Random Entertainmnet

heyyyy we can be in dat Jonas Brothers banddddd

"So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
just hold on, holdddd onnnnnnnnn"


p.s. da other pics didn't come in...darn! so only 2...waaa!

Other Post

if your wondering where the other post that said "SO awesome" I deleted, it was rude and mean. although I kept the apology =):

" I'm gonna delete this post. it's behind us now, we can get to 100 any way we want to....sorry


Thursday, January 3, 2008


hi sorry we haven't posted in a while, computer was down for 3 DAYS!!! the whole time I was in a little corner holding my knee's rocking back and forth lol

h...hh...Hello young fellow.....this is my little corner...don't ask why there's grass all around me...and don't call it gets mad and pokes
